| Tags delimiter : $ (Ex. $SYS_CPU)
SYS_CPU : type and number of server processor (read from windows registry).
SYS_CPUNAME : cpu name.
SYS_CPUNB : number of cpu.
SYS_CPUMHZ : cpu speed.
SYS_OS : OS version
SYS_RAM : ram of server in Bytes
SYS_RAM[BYTE|KB|MB|GB] : ram of server in B, KB, MB, GB.
SYS_FREESPACE[BYTE|KB|MB|GB](path) : free space in path (e.g. $SYS_FREESPACE(c:) will display free space on c:\)
SRV_NAME : server name.
SRV_VERSION : server software version.
SRV_UPTIME : server uptime.
SRV_CLIENTCOUNT : total number of clients connected.
SRV_STATSCONNECTIONS : total number of connections.
SRV_STATSLOGINS : total number of logins.
SRV_STATSDOWNLOADED : total downloaded for entire server (formatted).
SRV_STATSDOWNLOADED[BYTE|KB|MB|GB] : total downloaded for entire server in B, KB, MB, GB.
SRV_STATSUPLOADED : total uploaded for entire server (formatted).
SRV_STATSUPLOADED[BYTE|KB|MB|GB] : total uploaded for entire server in B, KB, MB, GB.
SRV_STATSFDOWNLOADED : total files downloaded for entire server.
SRV_STATSFUPLOADED : total files uploaded for entire server.
DOM_C24H : number of connection for the last 24 hours.
DOM_NAME : name of the domain.
DOM_CLIENTCOUNT : number of clients connected for the domain.
DOM_MAXUSERS : max. number of users that the domain can serve.
DOM_IPS : IP used by the domain.
DOM_WHO : List of clients connected to domain.
DOM_SPEED : instant speed of entire domain (formatted)
DOM_SPEED[BYTE|KB|MB|GB] : instant speed of entire domain in B/s, KB/s, MB/s, GB/s
DOM_SPEEDIN : instant speed of incoming traffic for entire domain (formatted)
DOM_SPEEDIN[BYTE|KB|MB|GB] : instant speed of incoming traffic for entire domain in B/s, KB/s, MB/s, GB/s
DOM_SPEEDOUT : instant speed of outgoing traffic for entire domain (formatted)
DOM_SPEEDOUT[BYTE|KB|MB|GB] : instant speed of outgoing traffic for entire domain in B/s, KB/s, MB/s, GB/s
DOM_AVGSPEED : average speed (formatted).
DOM_AVGSPEED[BYTE|KB|MB|GB] : average speed in B/s, KB/s, MB/s, GB/s.
DOM_DOWNLOADS : number of files being downloaded.
DOM_UPLOADS : number of files being uploaded.
DOM_DOWNLOADED : downloaded (formatted).
DOM_DOWNLOADED[BYTE|KB|MB|GB] : downloaded in B, KB, MB, GB.
DOM_UPLOADED : uploaded (formatted).
DOM_UPLOADED[BYTE|KB|MB|GB] : uploaded in B, KB, MB, GB.
DOM_FDOWNLOADED: number of files downloaded since domain has started.
DOM_FUPLOADED: number of files uploaded since domain has started.
DOM_STATSCONNECTIONS : total number of connections.
DOM_STATSLOGINS : total number of logins.
DOM_STATSDOWNLOADED[BYTE|KB|MB|GB]: total downloaded since domain creation.
DOM_STATSUPLOADED[BYTE|KB|MB|GB]: total uploaded since domain creation.
DOM_STATSFDOWNLOADED: total number of files downloaded since domain creation.
DOM_STATSFUPLOADED: total number of files uploaded since domain creation.
DOM_EVENT : returns launched event (onFileUploaded, ...)
LOG_OLDFILENAME: old filename for OnLogRotated event.
LOG_NEWFILENAME: new filename for OnLogRotated event.
USR_ACCOUNT : name of account.
USR_GROUP : name of group.
USR_CLASS : name of class.
USR_RATIOCOUNTMETHOD : type of ratio in use. (counting byte per session ...)
USR_RATIO : same as $USR_RATIOUP:$USR_RATIODOWN but displays "Unlimited" if ratio is disabled.
USR_RATIOUP : upload ratio.
USR_RATIODOWN : download ratio.
USR_QUOTACURRENT : current quota (formatted).
USR_QUOTACURRENT[BYTE|KB|MB|GB] : current quota in Byte, KB, MB, GB.
USR_QUOTAMAX : max quota (formatted).
USR_QUOTAMAX[BYTE|KB|MB|GB] : max quota in Byte, KB, MB, GB.
USR_QUOTAAVAILABLE : available quota (formatted).
USR_QUOTAAVAILABLE[BYTE|KB|MB|GB] : available quota in Byte, KB, MB, GB.
USR_STATSLOGINS : total number of logins.
USR_STATSFUPLOADED : files uploaded.
USR_STATSUPLOADED : upload (formatted).
USR_STATSFDOWNLOADED : files downloaded.
USR_STATSDOWNLOADED : downloaded (formatted).
USR_TIMEOUT : time out value.
USR_INAME : user info name.
USR_IADDRESS : user info address.
USR_ICITY : user info city.
USR_ICOMPANY : user info company.
USR_IPHONEHOME : user info phone home.
USR_IPHONEWORK : user info phone work.
USR_IFAX : user info fax.
USR_IEMAIL : user info email.
USR_INOTES : user info notes.
(if the user is logged then Account tags are also available)
KEYWORD : command sent from the client.
USR_FDOWNLOADED : files downloaded for current session.
USR_FUPLOADED : files uploaded for current session.
USR_ACCOUNT : account used.
USR_NAME : name sent as login.
USR_PASS : password used.
USR_DIR : current real directory.
USR_PWD : current directory.
USR_FILENAME : current transferred file name.
USR_ID : id assigned by server to user.
USR_PEERIP_000 : user IP, formatted like (for use with filename and sorting)..
USR_PEERPORT : user port.
USR_LOCALIP : IP connected to user.
USR_LOCALPORT : port connected to user.
USR_HOSTNAME : hostname taken from user IP.
USR_TIMEONLINE : connected time.
USR_CPU : displays cpu time used by client in "seconds.milliseconds",
USR_DOWNLOADED : downloaded (formatted).
USR_DOWNLOADED[BYTE|KB|MB|GB] : downloaded in Byte, KB, MB, GB.
USR_UPLOADED : uploaded (formatted).
USR_UPLOADED[BYTE|KB|MB|GB] : uploaded in Byte, KB, MB, GB.
USR_SPEED : current user transfer speed (formatted).
USR_SPEED[BYTE|KB|MB|GB] : current user transfer speed in B/s, KB/s, MB/s, GB/s.
USR_AVGSPEED : average speed (formatted).
USR_AVGSPEED[BYTE|KB|MB|GB] : average speed in B/s, KB/s, MB/s, GB/s.
USR_FREESPACE[BYTE|KB|MB|GB] : free space in current directory in Byte, KB, MB, GB.
USR_RATIOCREDIT : returns available credit as Bytes (formatted) or number of files.
(FILE tags contain either directory name or filename, for events)
USR_FILE : complete path to file (including filename).
USR_FILE_83 : Same as USR_FILE but with 8.3 path format.
USR_FILENAME : only filename (archives.zip, archives.rar ...).
USR_FILENAME_83 : Same as FILENAME but with 8.3 path format.
USR_FILEEXT : extension of the file in uppercase (.EXE, .RAR ...).
USR_FILENOEXT : filename without extension.
USR_FILEPATH : path without filename (c:\temp\ ...).
USR_FILEPATH_83 : Same as FILEPATH but with 8.3 path format.
USR_FILESIZE : file Size in bytes.
(The following tags are only available for event OnFileRenamed)
USR_OLDFILE : complete path to the renamed file (including filename).
USR_OLDFILENAME : only filename of the renamed file (archives.zip, archives.rar ...).
USR_OLDFILEPATH : path without filename of the renamed file (c:\temp\ ...).
HH : hour 00-23.
NN : minute 00-59.
SS : second 00-59.
D : day 1-31.
DD : day 01-31.
ENGDD : English ordinal suffix for the day of the month, 2 characters (st, nd, rd, or th)
M : month 1-12.
MM : month 01-12.
YY : year 00-99.
WEEK : YY-MM-DD this date only changes every Sunday so there is only a date per week.
WEEKR : DD-MM-YY same as WEEK but Year and Day are switched.
NOW : Date + Time
DAY : day Monday/Tuesday ... (use locale settings).
ENGDAY : day Monday/Tuesday ... (always in English).
MONTH : month January/February ... (use locale settings).
ENGMONTH : month January/February ... (always in English).
YEAR : year 0-2003 |